联席主席:Yunong Xiao


Yunong is General Manager and Distinguished Architect of Serverless, Middleware, and Devops at Tencent Cloud.

Previously he was leading the architecture of the Netflix API Serverless Platform - making microservices more accessible to developers and enabling container usage at Netflix scale.

Earlier he spent his time at AWS and Joyent, where he worked on the distributed systems and helped to shape and build cloud products such as AWS IAM and Triton Object Storage.

Yunong received a Bachelors of Applied Science with honors in Computer Engineering from the University of Waterloo.


Yunong Xiao,现任腾讯云中间件总经理,兼任腾讯 Serverless、中间件和 DevOps 首席架构师。他曾担任 Netflix 公司 Netflix API Serverless 平台负责人,负责架构、微服务、容器技术相关工作,使之更易于开发人员使用。Yunong 曾在 AWS 和 Joyent 任职,主要从事分布式系统相关研究和工作,构建了 AWS IAM 和 Triton Object Storage 等云产品;Yunong 毕业于滑铁卢大学计算机科学专业,并获得荣誉学士学位。

联席主席:Yunong Xiao


Yunong is General Manager and Distinguished Architect of Serverless, Middleware, and Devops at Tencent Cloud.

Previously he was leading the architecture of the Netflix API Serverless Platform - making microservices more accessible to developers and enabling container usage at Netflix scale.

Earlier he spent his time at AWS and Joyent, where he worked on the distributed systems and helped to shape and build cloud products such as AWS IAM and Triton Object Storage.

Yunong received a Bachelors of Applied Science with honors in Computer Engineering from the University of Waterloo.


Yunong Xiao,现任腾讯云中间件总经理,兼任腾讯 Serverless、中间件和 DevOps 首席架构师。他曾担任 Netflix 公司 Netflix API Serverless 平台负责人,负责架构、微服务、容器技术相关工作,使之更易于开发人员使用。Yunong 曾在 AWS 和 Joyent 任职,主要从事分布式系统相关研究和工作,构建了 AWS IAM 和 Triton Object Storage 等云产品;Yunong 毕业于滑铁卢大学计算机科学专业,并获得荣誉学士学位。


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